Friday 5 November 2010

So I Have a Blog Now...

It's about time i started a blog. So thats what i'm doing.

I don't really know how to go about starting anything like this but i've been saying i'd set up a blog to an awful lot of people for an awful long time. So apologies to those people who have been waiting a while for me to set this up. I've had a lot going on recently, not least of which is organising a Photography meet and greet for our course. Anyway, it's time to follow through with this blog malarky.

The problem is with things like this is that you should start at the beginning. Unfortunately i'm in the middle of it. Well, hopefully not in the middle. That would make for an illustrious nine year photography career, and i'm hoping to be around a bit longer than that.

I suppose i should introduce myself. I'm JoNathan Murphy. I'm studying Photography at Nottingham Trent University and I'm in the second year of my course. My photography is primarily concerned with cognitive processes, or the act of thought. This would seem to pigeonhole me as a conceptual photographer, a label i'm more than happy to bear. Thought and cognitive processes covers almost everything. Which, i would imagine, drew me to it so strongly. It can span from small scale behavioural studies of individuals right up to using my work to influence social and political reform (both of which i have done in the past)

I am originally from London, of Irish Catholic descent which played a strong part in my stance now as an atheist. I tend not to align myself with any political party, instead preferring to choose the best option at the time (which people seem to have forgotten, is their right to do.) I started studying photography for A-level receiving an impressive C grade, and a distinction at Art Foundation (both of which i will hopefully get around to discussing.) 

Some people might be confused as to why i am telling everyone this. And the answer is thus. I invite everyone and anyone who reads this blog to examine my character and see they can spot why i do things as my work has sometimes been described as 'opaque'. But hopefully i will explain my work sufficiently enough to give an insight into exactly why my work has been created while, at the same time, leaving it open enough to encourage individual thought and interpretation as it is often the case that the creator cannot see what he/she has really created.

Because I have started this blog in a rather awkward place i would expect it to bounce around a lot, one entry being a thought that i have had earlier that day, while the next could just as easily be digging up old work from A level or foundation, so i apologise in advance and will endeavour to make it clear when im talking about past work and current work. Hopefully this won't last for too long as i will catch up with myself eventually.

So that's it. Thats an introduction to me and my work. I find it helps when work is viewed in context of the author and that's what I have tried to do here.

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