Saturday 24 November 2012


In one of my recent posts I talked about a few projects that I am currently working on. Here's an update on one...

The working title is HumanCentricity and so far it's very loose. I have been shooting parts of it for a couple of years; which, by the way, makes it a ballache of biblical proportions to find the negs for it. I have decided the concept will be best served in a book, possibly with exhibition prints but that's a way away. The project aims to show how even though humans account for a relatively small percentage of the world's biological population we have had such a huge impact on it. This will be a multi-faceted piece as it's a fairly complex issue to explore, being quite obtuse. I am far more sure of one element of the work than any of the others at the moment so that's what I shall be sharing with you.

A Car Crash and A Road

The above image and title is an early idea of what I want to do with this part of the project; a juxtaposition between expectation and representation. The most obvious expectation of human interference in this frame would be that the road sign has obviously been damaged, most likely by a car crash. However, there is human interference in every square millimetre of this image which we are so used to we don't even see any more. The most overlooked yet incredibly obvious is the presence of a road. This training to not see is what I want to challenge the viewer on in this part of HC. 

The text size is also something I thought about (mainly due to working alongside a wonderful photographer, craftswoman and all-around person, Simona last year.) The small reference to the car crash in relation to the large road I think is key as it highlights that while the car crash is there, and the expectation is for the photograph to be about this, more weight is applied to the notion of the road being the real subject of the image.

I have some more images for this project which need collating (yawn) and at least a day of going through my lovely negative bag which is now overflowing, but for now that's all you're getting!

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